What is your fav.cookie and the nastiest you ever ate?!
Answers: store baught or homemade
both i like choc chip cookies i hate otemail kinds yuck
my personal fav Mrs.Field's chocolate chip cookie and the nastiest these burnt cookies from a retarded bake sale. why i ate the burnt cookie? they told me it was fudge chocolate chip cookie...LOL.
Choclate chip - nasty one was cookie dough with bubble gum bits.
My favorite cookies are the Franz Molasses cookies with sugar on top. YUM! You can get them at any grocery store really.
The grossest one ever was a sugar cookie--TONS of frosting and sprinkles and too much sugar in the batter.... :(
I can't stand "Kingston's" just the texture and the taste make me feel physically sick.
I love Tim Tams - closely followed by Chocolate Monte Carlos.
homemade peanut butter cookies are my favorite.
Oreo is my fav and my least fav is coconut.
favorite - coconut and choc. chip cookie
nastiest - nutter butters or anything with mint
Sugar cookies are the best!!! They are really good store bought or homemade, but cold ones don't taste the same...Subway has good ones.
The worst cookie I ever tasted was an oatmeal raisin cookie from Subway. Yuck! Trust me;even though I'll eat anything, it was gross. If you want oatmeal raisin cookies, DON'T go to Subway!!!
my favorite cookie is homemade chocolate chip. ironically, the nastiest cookie i ever ate was a homemade chocolate chip cookie, that i made myself! yeah, it didn't turn out too good...
i love fig newtons
i hated the chocolate chip cookies i tried to make. i must not have followed the recipe right because it came out like cake.
My favourite cookie would either be gingernut (YUM) or tim tams...(YUM)...the worst cookie I've ever tried were my hopeless home-baked anzac biscuits...YUCK! :)
I Hate Peanut Butter Cookies...And I Love Ms. Field's Chocolate Chip Cookies! Yummy!!
Snickerdoodle And when I was little, I messed up making a batch of cookies.....I used only 1/3 the sugar i should've.....My sister said they were excellent diet cookies.