Calzoni Style - no extra charge 10" 12" 16"
Kinness Special £6.00 £9.00 £15.00
Doner Pizza £6.00 £9.00 £14.00
Veggie Special £5.50 £8.50 £12.00
Seafood Special £6.00 £9.00 £15.00
BBQ Steak £6.00 £9.00 £15.00
Haggis Pizza £5.00 £7.50 £12.00
Spinach Pizza £4.60 £6.60 £10.00
Napolitana (Tomatoes,herbs and Garlic) £3.50 £4.80 £9.00
Hot Chilli Con Carne £6.00 £9.00 £15.00
Doner Calzoni £5.00 £8.00
Spicy Chicken, Beef or Pork £4.60 £7.50 £10.00
Chocolate Pizza £3.50 £6.50 £9.00
Which dish is Scots?
Calzoni Style - no extra charge 10" 12" 16"
Kinness Special £6.00 £9.00 £15.00
Doner Pizza £6.00 £9.00 £14.00
Veggie Special £5.50 £8.50 £12.00
Seafood Special £6.00 £9.00 £15.00
BBQ Steak £6.00 £9.00 £15.00
Haggis Pizza £5.00 £7.50 £12.00
Spinach Pizza £4.60 £6.60 £10.00
Napolitana (Tomatoes,herbs and Garlic) £3.50 £4.80 £9.00
Hot Chilli Con Carne £6.00 £9.00 £15.00
Doner Calzoni £5.00 £8.00
Spicy Chicken, Beef or Pork £4.60 £7.50 £10.00
Chocolate Pizza £3.50 £6.50 £9.00
Which dish is Scots?
Why should I tell you?
Late Ed; But its deep fried Mars bars at 1 poound perrrr BITE! if you really need to know.
EYYYE! And a Glaswegian kiss for you, fecker.
Cheesus! I don't know why I gave this my time?
So help me LARD!
Haggis pizza?!? Now you're making me hungry!
Calzoni Style - no extra charge 10" 12" 16" when there is absolutely no sign of £
You talkin to me?
Well, anything with Haggis is likely Scottish....
How complex...
And Tyler thinks he is the worlds foremost expert on pizza.
Hmm from the home of deep-fried Marsbars? ...shall I hazard a guess at chocolate...?