What are some health benifits from eating cow liver?!
Answers: mmmmmmm....
The lady that said inexpensive is wrong liver is not only expensive but extreamly hard to find. Other than if you can make it yourself. It's HIGH in iron, and super tender meat, some don't like the texture, but if you are open minded and like meat you'll find it to be the tastiest if it isn't smothered in fried bread. :) anyways the only real benifits I can think of is iron, but be a little careful because as most people know the liver filters out all the toxins in the body so you only take the nutrients and poop out all the bad stuff! :))
~~the highest source of heme dietary iron of any food you can eat.
blechhh! why would you want to? Narst!
It is extremely unhealthy for the cow.
It is Iron for the blood....lol....
Liver is nature's healthiest food. It is chock full of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. Unfortunately, the liver we usually buy tastes terrible due to it being spoiled. Hence the smell. It is also full of industrial toxins, growth hormones from the feed industry and other nasty stuff. Also it is deficient in omega 3 fatty acids due to cattle being fed corn instead of grass. If you eat liver, organic liver is the way to go.
Iron. Traumatic when we were young because my Father loved liver and onions, and we had to eat some because he liked it. He also liked beets also. He was a strange guy! I'd rather eat iron filings than liver. This brings back old horrible memories of growing up! We'd pouch it and then excuse ourselves and spit it out in the toilet!
IRON lots of it, and it does not coast that much.
The thing with liver is all in the fixing of it. If it is over cooked it will get tough. I myself like Deer liver the best. Like all meat it is best to cook it slow and with a little moisture. This will help keep it tender. The seasoning is up to the cook. Have a good one.
I think Lambs liver is more tender an requires far less cooking otherwise it gives you that dry taste in your mouth.
Liver is high in iron, protein, vitamins A and B12, as well as other vitamins and minerals, but it should only be eaten in moderation due to the high cholesterol content.
Great source for Iron...you know you can take dessicated liver in pill form if you don't want to eat it in meat form.