Does watching people eat make you sick?!
To make things worse they pick on me (jokingly) when I eat carrot sticks and cucumbers or anything that is healthy.
Answers: I work with these two women who are just a little overweight and I like them dearly. But I have a problem with what they eat. I don't mean to sound snobby here but the things they eat all day make me want to vomint. For example one of the women will have a huge bagel with egg, cheese and bacon for breakfast, a 12 inch tunafish (tons of mayo) sub with a bag of chips for lunch and either a bag of m&m's, a donut or cookies in the afternoon. Would that make anybody else sick? Does this happen to you? Or am I just being a snob?
To make things worse they pick on me (jokingly) when I eat carrot sticks and cucumbers or anything that is healthy.
its something a psichologist would explain better, but ill give it i try. first of all, you pay attention to it which is odd, 99% of people who are eating dont pay attention to other peoples food. second, it affects you to the point of making you react, which again is odd, because, it has nothing to do with you, but maybe it does!.... as you seem to be the kind that keeps on dieting for beauty reasons, maybe you really desire that food, and you react by self punishing with guilt that cause you to fight the temptation by beeing sick, tottally out of your concious control off course. have you seem the film chocolate? theres a character that behaves somewhat like you seem to do. and in the end hes freed from it.
You ARE being snobby, and judgemental, too.
If you don't like what they eat, avoid them.
I think you aren't a very nice person.
Why would this bother you? If you really like your co-worker than share with him/her that you are concerned about their health and you feel they would be eating healthier foods. People needs to be honesty when telling people things about themselves.
I think you are just being a snob if you don`t like watching eat, don`t do lunch around them.
You should just understand that people are built differently and raised differently. What might seem excessive to you is probably normal to them. If they are eating too much, chances are they already know that. You need to ask yourself why it bothers you so much. Are you afraid of getting bigger? There are many people around the world with different eating habits. It would be a shame to judge them because you feel uncomfortable. You may miss out on some really great friends that way.
if they eat like that every day , well then, perhaps that might be a problem for anybody..but who wants to live on rabbit food all the time and REALLY enjoy it..junk food is ok but there IS a limit to that if you want to be somewhat healthy..gotta mix it up a bit to be healthy AND happy..YUMMO--Gotta eat, but do it with some kind of sense and enjoy at the same time..dosen't make me sick to watch others eat..just makes me wonder how long they will live..see ya, Chaz
I don't see why you consider this as a problem. You have to understand other people's differences. Same thing with race, sex, and religion. We are not perfect to criticize people. Criticizing with what they eat for instance. If you are uncomfortable eating with them, it's practically simple to sit on another table. I hope you keep your thoughts to yourself.
No, I don't think you are being a snob. When you see people just inhaling their food and it looks like they don't even taste it that is bound to make you sick to your stomach. I think that kind of eating is a sickness. I have seen people at all you can eat buffets just piling on the food and it looks like a bunch of hogs at a feeding trough. They are only picking on you because they know they are not eating right and are overweight.
Cultural and differences in upbringing. This is a diversity issue.
Don't worry, you will see many different things about people -- some amazing -- over time.