When eating a meal, do you save the tastiest mouthful till last?!
Answers: I always used to and still do now if I am alone, but my husband has a habit of sneaking up on me and pinching the last bite so I have lucked out a lot till I learned my lesson.
yes! I always do this.
Especially with popsicles. I try to eat the flavors i dont like and then get to the red and blue ones.
Best way to go in my opinion
no i always eat the best first. I dont want to be full and try to stuff my face and eat the best thing last. i would rather waste the stuff that is not as good.
Yeah :) like with pizzas I eat the crust all first and work my way to the middle (the tastiest bit in my opinion). Also, when eatin muffins I eat the bttom bit first because it's usually quite dry, then eat the top last :)
yes, isn't that weird....?
Normally I try to but then I find I'm full & can't manage it :-((
I eat some of the best stuff first then the rest and if i get full up i finish off with the rest of the best stuff
yep n alwats the best piece of meat
No, I have it first. I might be too full later.
Yes! But if I'm eating out and I know I can't eat everything, I'll eat the good stuff sooner.
yes best till last
Definately - especially with roast chicken ..... always save the skin still last!!!!!
When I eat an onion bagel, I eat the half without the onions first....so I can enjoy the oniony side last.
I guess it depends what I'm eating but on the whole I tend to alternate between different things on the plate .. or I'll put a little bit of different things on the same fork so that I get the combined flavours to compliment each other. :)
..But now I think about it, the very last mouthful on the plate is usually a little piece of my favourite part of the dinner!
try to if im not too busy
I try to but sometimes I end up eating it all before I realize what I am doing. lol.
i dunno y am doin' it...
life is a mystery..let it stay that way:)
well, all i do is has a first bite, armmmmmm, and try for another bite, if my mind make up that ya, its taste great, i will finish all other part one by one, and leave the tastiest one till last and some more i may licking my finger and say good ....good ... good hopefully the taste will stay in my mouth for a while. Agree?