What exactly is MSG?!

Question: and why do people freak out about it? what does it do?

And if it's so bad, why can you buy bottles of it at the grocery store?

Answers: and why do people freak out about it? what does it do?

And if it's so bad, why can you buy bottles of it at the grocery store?

MSG is a flavor enhancer which has been used effectively for nearly a century to bring out the best flavor of foods. Its principal component is an amino acid called glutamic acid or glutamate. Glutamate is found naturally in protein-containing foods such as meat, vegetables, poultry and milk. The human body also produces glutamate naturally in large amounts. The muscles, brain and other body organs contain about four pounds of glutamate, and human milk is rich in glutamate, compared to cow's milk, for example.

Glutamate is found in two forms: "bound" glutamate (linked to other amino acids forming a protein molecule) and "free" glutamate (not linked to protein). Only free glutamate is effective in enhancing the flavor of food. Foods often used for their flavoring qualities, such as tomatoes and mushrooms, have high levels of naturally occurring free glutamate.

MSG is usually produced through fermentation, a process similar to that used in making beer, vinegar and yogurt. The process usually begins with the fermentation of corn, sugar beets or sugar cane. The finished product is a pure, white crystal which dissolves easily and blends well in many foods.

Mono Sodium glutamate. Some people have a bad reaction to it.

Msg - Mono sodiun glutimate is a flavour enhanser made from a bi product of molasses production.

Some people are highly alergic to it

Good question. MSG is mono sodium glutamate. It is the salt form of glutamic acid, an essential amino acid. It is used to enhance the flavor of meat and broths. Some people have a reaction to it which causes your face to flush and heart to beat faster. It's called "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome" but I don't think anyone ever got truly sick from it.
I don't know why people freak out because its not really a bad flavor just don't use too much of it. Of course it also contains sodium which some people are trying to limit.
Like everything else associated with food, so called experts who claim knowledge because they can eat, have raise a red flag for no reason.
Should you be a little careful with MSG? YES. Is it a killer? NO!.
PhD Food Chemistry and Nutrition

Just a bit of MSG trivia. We in America say that we can taste 4 flavors sweet, salty, bitter and sour. The Chinese however believe in a 5th taste they call it "umami" and that is the taste of MSG

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer sometimes added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats. Some people may have short term reactions to msg, such as headache, flushing, sweating, sense of facial pressure or tightness, numbness, tingling or burning in or around the mouth, heart palpitations, chest pain, and shortness of breath.

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