Does anyone else dislike the taste of alcohol?!
Answers: I've tried wine, beer, sake and various mixed cocktails and I just can't stand the taste of the alcohol. So instead, I drink grape juice, sparkling apple cider, water and smoothies which taste so much better! Anyone else have an aversion to the taste of alcohol?
I dont drink cept once or twice a whole yr and thats usually a watered down cheap wine like Arbor Mist or winecooler. I dislike all other alcohols very much, I do use them for flavorings for cooking. Oh I did the late high school college party rounds but it never appeled to me like for most. I applaud you hun dont let ppl try to pressure you in to drinking. Its not a bad thing to not like it and if they cant understand why tough for them.
No, unfortunately I love alchohol very much!
I hate the taste...simply put, thats why I dont drink..
Yes I cant stand most types of alchohol. The only drinks I actually like are Malibu and Pineapple and Fuzzy Navels. I recommend you try those! They're delicious!
yea alcohol is pretty nasty, but people drink for the affects of alcohol not for its taste
I hate the taste of alcohol. I also hate the stupor it puts people under and the sickness the day after. Which is why I smoke weed instead.
I am with you I always get my daiquiri's and pina colada's "virgin" I think the alcohol ruins it.
I hate alcohol!I've been to a beer fest when I was a kid with my parents, and they gave me sum beer to try, and since then I cant stand the taste!I make cocktails for my friends, but I never try them out...YUCK!
It's an acquired taste. I used to hate it but I kept trying different drinks and such. Eventually I started liking it.
Yeah- I think alcohol is disgusting. The onlt things I drink are water, coffee, hot chocolate, and milk- anything else is gross to me.
i hate the taste of alcohol, I make tropical fruity drinks and add a little banana or coconut rum, and i do mean a LITTLE
I have an Aunt who must have some type of adversion to alcohol. If she takes but one sip, she falls on the floor and is intoxicated for 5 min.