Consuming fire extinguisher powder- is it dangerous or poisonous?!
Answers: What could be the possible ill effects?
Depending on the chemical, absolutely it could be dangerous.
Some chemcicals are not necessarily poisonous. Take Sodium Bicarbonate, for example. Very commonly used as a fire fighting agent and also goes by the household name of "baking soda." Obviously not poisonous, but I certainly wouldn't recommend consuming it in appreciable quantities.
Other chemicals are very poisonous. Certain foam and water units have antifreeze solutions added to them. While some can be non-toxic, I certainly wouldn't want to chance my life on it.
Now... if you are talking about the little bit of power one might ingest if the powders are inhaled after a discharge, I don't think you have much to worry about. But if irritation or discomfort persists, seek medical attention.
Todvango not Tadvango (sorry) Report It
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