How do people who kill fruit and veg live with them self's?!
Answers: Ok ok yes stupid question,but to all the vegitarians who slate us meat eater's,you are really fruit and veg murderers,that poor little potatoe or pea was quite happy living with it's other little buddies,then it was ripped away but nobody could hear it's pitiful little screams & plea for help,,,so when you are munching away spare a thought for the life you have taken.Amen
Now you know they are going to tell you they don't have feelings or conciousness and that they are inanimate (wrong inanimate objects don't grow) bet if they could hear them scream though they'd think differently.
At least we meat eaters kill our food before we eat it eh! What happens if you put that pea in the ground? It grows and reproduces never seen a dead animal do that!
At least I'm a dog and just let anybody try telling me I can't eat meat! Don't mind the occasional bit of fruit or veg either!
Indeed, we are beasts.
Good thing they don't have a nervous system . . . it'd be hard living with myself.
There's nothing sadder than the cry the baby peas and carrots make. sigh
"poor little potatoe or pea was quite happy living with it's other little buddies,then it was ripped away "
Lmao,, Lol,, i can't wait for their responses
Lol, the "other little buddies" made me laugh
Good one.
Um. If I listen to you, and listen to the vegans, it appears I should be able to exist on air alone?
Salad is murder.
Because in order to live, you need to consume other cells. We just feel like we'd prefer to kill inanimate plants rather than living, concious animals.
LOL... watch Fast Food Nation... just for kicks ~ moo
Tonight I steamed some broccoli while I barbecued my steak. The steak was great, the broccoli kept crying.
I call them the cereal killers.
they don't have emotions/feelings like animals.
i think you might just think alittle too much.. :P
They do not have a heart, brain or blood following through their veins. BIG difference you twit!
O.K., and you are on,,what kind of drugs??????
I agree.....I have said this same thing before...plants and veggies and fruits are all living things!!
ik ik this is mean and i hatttteeeee when ppl answer me telling me that my question is RIDICULOUS, but honestly, do you truly believe that peas have feelings?? does it have a brain?? no, no it doesn't.
finally someone stickin it to the vegans!
good 1
Um...not the same thing. Fruits and veggies are not sentient beings, they do not feel pain and have no heartbeat. So next time your nawing on a cow part spare a thought for the life you have taken away.
I thouht of this a long time ago, that killing any living thing was wrong.
So I started eating nothing but dust.
But now they say there are dust mites in dust....
what am I to do?
Veggans take away the meat and you want to take away the veggies... what on EARTH would be left for people to eat????? Thing is we MUST kill SOMETHING in order to eat---either a plant or an animal..... By not eating meat of any kind, vegetarians believe they are saving the animals--and in a way, the ARE... but that would only truly work if EVERYONE became a long as there are us meat eaters roaming the earth, Animals will be killed for food.... However, if you can come up with another alternative food source, I'll leave the veggies alone as well.... but it SURE BETTER TASTE GOOD!!!!!
bright one aren't you?
You probably never raised meat animals, huh?
We'll live longer and healthier than you, have fun with cancer.
first off, Veggies Donot have a soul. Secondly, I think more people should read what the bible says about eating meats. God is the one I cae abut what he thinks of what I eat. : )
this was/is your question, so This is my answer. : )
Ha Ha LOL sweet er herm cough cough i mean yes those poor beans that you bake alive shame on you shame on you
Maybe they don't think about fruits and vegetables being "living" things maybe they just think of them as being plants that grow and we're supposed to eat them and when we do it doesn't hurt them at all. I really have no idea cuz i'm not a vegetarian. i hope i helped.
Plants do not have a nervous system, so they cannot possibly feel pain.?
Hey Marty salad is MASS murder.
wow. they don't really have feelings. I dont eat meat, fruit or veggies. So nothing to worry about here :)
Damn right!
You may be interested to know that it does bother some people, and that's where fruitarianism comes in. They only eat fruit that's fallen off the tree, and animals that have died of old age.
or how about Milareepa, a buddhist saint who lived on water and soup made of nettles? He lived in a cave, eating his nettles, and was so happy that he sang hymns to buddha every day. When the people heard him singing and investigated, they saw that he had eaten so much nettle soup that he had turned green.