Is anybody else disillusioned with walnut whips?!
Answers: Remember what they used to be like?
If you are old enough to remember the walnut at the bottom you should also remember back then they weren't even made by Rowntree Mcintosh... they were made by Duncan's. Rowntree Mcintosh took Duncan's over, moved production, lost the Plain version (my favourite!!!) AND the walnut on the bottom.
Sad to say Nestle isn't the only guilty party with Walnut Whips LOL
No but ain't Mars Bars shrunk
Not as big as they were.
i tried whippin the mrs with one there not that good
yeah i do i hated them then and still do 'sorry'
Yes. There used to be chopped walnuts in the bottom when I was a child, many years ago. The chocolate is not as thick as it used to be and they have shrunk in size.
Yes! they were definately bigger and creamier! and nicer all round!
So peed off the other day , the effin wallnut was missing. OK i can put up with it been only75% the size, but no wallnut. Shop keeper just laughed. Felt tempted to show him a new use for the cork screwed shaped bar.
"well thanks for that, I have just been to my local shop and bought a wall nut whip,a Turkish delight, and a Fry's chocolate cream, so am I to be disillusioned by my first walnut whip in years?? "Bah"
yes, what happened to the thick bottom with the half walnut? can u still get the coffee flavoured one?
Lordy, you make me feel old. I completely agree that the meagre offerings nowadays are not definitely not as nice and luxurious when I was young. Even the chocolate tastes like lard. And since you agree, then we must be right!!!!!! Same with crisps. Now they are all chemically enhanced and the salt n' shake doesn't compare to the original. Oh, these were the days - but life now is much better overall.
Yes I know what you mean and it is so disappointing when you get one that the creamy stuff inside has gone hard or gooey.
why cant they bring back the coffee walnut whips??