Ever find a substantial amount of money or the like on the street?!
Once I found a whole wad of Food Stamps. And another time I was at a storge unit place and found $500 lying on the ground in individual $20's in a ditch.
Answers: I have and its cool.
Once I found a whole wad of Food Stamps. And another time I was at a storge unit place and found $500 lying on the ground in individual $20's in a ditch.
Once I was taking a taxi home and noticed a crumpled up bill laying on the seat I picked it up and put it in my pocket when I got home I pulled it out and it was a $50.
$5.00 best as I remember. You're luckier than I.
Yes found a wallet with some cash in it ................. phoned the number of the person inside the wallet and returned it. Found a couple of coins but never anything major. You are very lucky!