Why eggs are only white & brown??!

Question: why they do not have any other colours in market ??

Answers: why they do not have any other colours in market ??

There is different colors of eggs.. but in stores they only have brown and white because they tend to have more flavor and the yoke is less likely to break/dissolve while cooking.

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robin's eggs are blue

except on Easter

i guess chickens dont shiiit out colored eggs like the easter bunny

Because the Easter Bunny has a copywrite on all the other colors.

Eggs dont turn funky colors they are usually based on the chicken who hatched thems genes or something.

Wait til Easter or go to St Petersburg Russia. Get a Faberge!
Hey Dave S, where are my Red Eggs?

Not true. Robins' eggs are blue.

ask the chickens

Eggs come in green too. I have chickens that lay them.

They have speckled and tan here!

Hey, I've seen redish ones, and others with freckles.

White eggs come from white chickens and brown eggs come from brown-ish chickens.

Actually, my aunt used to have chickens that laid green eggs. I don't know why they don't sell them. My dad used to make us "Green Eggs and Ham" like the book lol. I think they would sell very well for that reason alone.

Because there is a perception that the white eggs are cleaner than other colors. The brown eggs are becoming popular again because people see that as more organic or natural. The sellers of eggs breed chickens to the demand of the buyers.

Did you watch to see where they come from...?

One comes out the front.
One comes out the back.

umm, because there innerds, produce the eggs that way, idk.

actually, there are alot of colors. you see them more from organic farms. the commercial farmers make them be white and brown because that's what people expect.

Eggs are in about as many colors as the rainbow. It depends on the variety of chicken and what they're fed.

We don't see the other colors (except around Easter time) because people think they're weird and won't buy them (the same reason people don't buy orange and yellow tomatoes).

That, and often the white eggs are larger too.

Chicken eggs also can be light light blue, or light green, it would probably freak out the consumers! I used to have green egg layers but just get white and brown from my girls now.

In the stores thats true. But there is a kind of chicken that lays multi colored eggs. Ameraucana & Araucana chickens lay eggs that are green or blue depending on the breed.

I actually had some green ones once! They came from hens who usually lay brown eggs. Took them to family Easter egg hunt. Everyone thought I had dyed them, but no, they were that color when friend gave them to me. Taste was same as regular eggs

Araucana chicken give blue eggs. I have a small farm and raise my own meat, chicken, rabbit, duck, ect. Commerial chicken farms haven't breed araucana chicken for their operations yet. They use leghorns because they are great egg laying machines. My birds are not machines. I hate commerial eggs. Try your local health food store for blue eggs. But, I will tell you most eggs are the same on the in side. You will just pay more.

Sounds like a racist thing to me....

Chicken eggs are always the color of the chickens's feathers.

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