Help, am being attacked by an avocado.....?!
Answers: Okay, now that I have your attention.....How can you tell if an avocado is okay to eat? Why do I keep finding them with brown stringy stuff on the insides and what about the dark brown spots inside? Does this mean it is past its' prime?
This is what I call "avocado anxiety." Whenever you're forced into buying pre-ripened avocados, try for the ones that are still firm to the touch,. Feel lightly for indentations, that is going to be a big ugly brown bruise. The brown strings are overripe parts. When it's possible, buy very hard unripe green avcados, and ripen them at home for probably 1-3 days, where you don't have 100 people poking at them once they're ripe. This is perfect, because the hard exterior protects them at the store.
It's getting there. An easy way to check Avocados when purchasing is flick off the little stem piece at the narrow end. Look where it was. Is it bright green? If so step one is done. If not go to next Avocado. Is the fruit firm or does it moosh when pressed? You want it firm.
The brown stringy wont hurt you. Just gross looking but if it is wide spread then toss the Avocado.
Yes, it is overly ripe and will be very very stringy! I love avocados and can't stand it when I get them under ripe and like this...over ripe! Better luck next time!
It was more interesting when I thought you were being attacked by an avocado...