How do you tell turkey giblets apart?!
Answers: The neck is obvious, but how do you tell the difference between the liver, heart, and gizzard? What shape/color are they?
I have pictures here:
Longest item on the left is the neck of course, the top right is the heart, the middle right is the gizzard & the bottom right is the liver..
different shapes & colors
Here is an easy giblet recipe on video (after the commercial):
The liver is the large gloppy one, somtimes in two sections held together by a membrane you need to trim off. The heart is hard and smaller. The gizzard is almost circular and in two parts. If you cut it in half, it has grit inside -- that's how birds grind their food (no teeth, remember?) Rinse the grit off and peel the heavy membrane. If you're making stock, the liver does not go into it as it makes it bitter. Fry the liver in butter, dice it and add it to the gravy. But only if there are no liver haters at dinner.
Umm.. why would you want to tell them apart?? Please tell me you don't eat them. Gross.
Liver is mushy
heart is smallest
gizzards are two part and hard and chewy