Do you have desert every night?!
Answers: I dont , & I was wondering..
We have things like Jello or pudding for dessert about four times a week.
well your missing out then
uhm.....not every night but i do have it a lot. i LOVE chocolate fudge ice cream :]
I try and keep my desserts for the weekend.
I'm sure you mean dessert. and no.. almost never have dessert. I save that for special holidays and special occasions. I don't keep sweets in the house.
wow, i probably have it once a week or so i try not to indulge unless it's a special occasion, or if my someone in my family makes cookies or something, i don't stock ice cream and candy at my house or anything tho
No we dont have it every night. But when we do it's usually something chocolatey! :))
does fruit count? If not then no but I used too before I became more health conscious. The rest of my family does.
No just once a month
i have seriously never had desert when i eat at home never ever! i only order sometimes at restaurants
I have dessert maybe, twice a week.
There HAVE been times when I ate it every night, but I used to a lot then... so now I try to limit how often I indulge.
sure I have budweiser every night
No not here. Actually we don't have it very often at all. Bummer!
I don't make a dessert every night may be once a week if that. When my kids were young I did make dessert a lot more often at least 5 times a week.
No, 2-3 times a week.
just recently i've started cooking more and yes i do include desert most nights :) i made apple crisp tonight and it was YUUMMY
i only have it on my bday, hubby bda, thanksgiving, christmas
thats it for me