If you eat something with sugar in it, then have a drink like lemonade, how come the drink tastes sour?!
Answers: You know when you drink pomegranite juice, or lemonade before you eat anything, it tastes sweet. Then when you have something with sugar in it and drink the juice again, it tastes sour. Why does this happen?
because the sugar in what you eat cancels out the sugar in lemonade so all your left with is the lemon taste which can be bitter its the same with tea if you have sugar in your tea and eat something like a chocolate bar before you drink your tea it will taste like theres no sugar in it
That is because the other thing is sweeter and the lemonade is more sour by comparison.
Lee is right. Now make your lemonage with artificial sweetener and see what happens.
Well lemonade is sour to begin with...it has nothing to do with sugar quantities.