Who likes Baked potato chips? I love the lays barbecue and the Ruffles Cheddar.?!
Answers: I love the baked chips, especially cheddar & sour cream and the baked Doritos. So yummmmmmmm.
they are kinda gross, I like munchos
I hate chips! Thats what makes America fat! FAT FAT FAT!
i like the regular. they aren't as hard.
Love bar-b-que, sour cream and onion, and the original
I love the classic Baked Lays, followed by Sour Cream and Onion!
Madame Blueberry!~ loves them too.
They must be good.
not me
Lays Barbecue..THE BEST!
I just love them but alas my hips don't.
I love them! I also like the sour cream and onion ones. They are soo good. I never had the lays ruffles cheddar but just the regular ruffles one. =]
Yummy! I like them all! My mom doesn't buy chips that often, but when she does (occasionally for picnics), she buys baked chips! *crunch crunch!*
I like regular potato chips much better! ;-)
I like them, but I'm not a big fan of the flavors. I prefer them plain.
i like ms. viki's and doritos
I dont like the baked ones. they have a sweet taste to them. I liked the wow chips that are hard to find now. they tasted more like the real things and never bothered my stomach like alot of people said olestra would
My school only sells those,
Its some healty approch thing
Ive gotten used to them