Is it true that Splenda is unhealthy for you?...?!
But when i read the newspaper it said that Splenda has something in it these days and for us not to use it now i don't know what to do.!!
Answers: I wana make cookies and everyone says for me to put Splenda in them.
But when i read the newspaper it said that Splenda has something in it these days and for us not to use it now i don't know what to do.!!
Most artificial sweeteners are bad for you. But if you wanted to try something, try Stevia. It is a natural sweetener that you can get in Health Food stores. I hear that it is really strong and you only need a TINY amount!
in general I try to avoid any artificially made or processed foods. Just because you never know, maybe in 50 years they find out something troubling about what you ate your whole life long. But - natural foods are around since millions of years so our bodies know them and we know pretty well what to expect.
if you need more info, i would go here...
i feel you ,they come out w/ these new things all the time then a few weeks later somethings wrong w/ it .
Splenda is the brand name for a substance called sucralose which is an artificial sweetener.
The concern over it is linked to the fact that it is a member of a group of chemicals called organochlorides, some of which are toxic in very small concentrations.
Unlike some of those chemicals, however, sucralose is not fat soluble (meaning it can't build up to toxic levels in fat cells in the body as some organochlorides can) and will not dechlorinate (meaning the chlorine, which alone is highly toxic, will not lose its bond to the other molecules that make up sucralose and become toxic).
Opinions differ in that some chemists favor stronger requirements for long term health testing of all organochlorides due to their possibly dangerous nature but it has been approved as safe for food use in the US and there have been no cases of anything linked to it so while no one can say beyond any shadow of a doubt that it is completely safe for everyone it should be safe enough that you don't need to worry about it.
But if you're still that worried you can always just use sugar, you just lose the benefit that Splenda can't be used for energy by your body (i.e. has no calories).
-In response to the answer about natural foods always being good for you, I would cry BS. There are all kinds of things that occur in the natural world that are incredibly bad for you, and some that are ok in small amounts but in anything more than trace amounts will kill you. Things marketed as "natural" products require no testing whatsoever from the FDA to prove their fitness for human consumption, and also have far fewer controls on quality in production. You can stay away from artificial products if you'd like, but don't assume that just because its marketed as "natural" means its good for you or better than something "not natural".
According to my stepmother, Splenda is the only thing that won't kill you, and that Sweet and Low will. Personally I'm not a fan of Splenda but I don't see anything wrong with using it for baking. If you're concerned, call up your doctor's office to get their opinion. They would have the best info.
nobody cares. don't answer questions if ur gonna be rude. retard.