How much should I be eating in a day?!
Answers: This morning for breakfast I had homemade hashbrowns and scrambled eggs. For lnch I had a whole wheat cheese and mushroom quassidilla with a fruit smoothie. Then for dinner I had potatoe wedges and a soy chicken patty. Should I eat more in a day or is that enough?
the average sized adult eats takes in about 2,000 calories a day. also it depends on how much u exercise. as long as u eat food from all 5 food groups u should be good. and it also goes by how you feel, sometimes in the middle of the day its good to have a snack in between a meal to keep you from pigging out at the next meal.
It greatly depends on your height, weight, age, ect..
Your fine. Don't push yourself into eating. I can eat breakfast in the morning and not eat for an whole day Im 150 pounds and 17
If you want to gain weight eat lots of carbs. If you want to lose weight or keep your weight down avoid carbs.
Depends on your appetite.