What do you hate eatting ?!
Answers: can be anything that you dont like to eat .
black jelly beans-vanila ice cream-anchovies-london broil-scalops- i cant think of everything right now ....
Baked beans....can't stand the things.....
Brussel sprouts,always have,always will-I think lol.
Liver, organ meats, tripe, offal, brussel sprouts...
Anything that tastes like black licorice - yuck!
cauliflower, brussel sprouts, onions, squash
Anything pork or bbq, including the chips....
i don't eat things i hate that ended when i left home
vegetables I know I should to be healthy but there is just nothing you can do to them to make me like them
Pumpkin Pie unfortunately, because this time of the year I'm surrounded by it!
all the stuff my doctor tells me to eat
onions blaach
Tofu - just don't get it. And liver, kidneys - stuff like that - don't like the taste or texture. Altho I have had beef heart and it is really good. But then it is a muscle not an organ - I guess that's why.
mexican food ... emergencies only
potatoe salad
shrimp salad