Chef Ramsey, it's all your fault.. How long does it take Comet to disinfect a surface?!
Answers: I'm cleaning out the fridge so I can brine the turkey. Found some interesting historic items and I want to know how long the Comet has to be on the fridge surfaces before it disinfects it.
According to the website, 5-10 minutes for non-porous surfaces:
To Disinfect Non-Porous Surfaces: Sprinkle Comet on wet surface, rub gently to cleanse, let stand 5 minutes, and rinse. To disinfect toilet bowls: flush, sprinkle 4oz. of Comet onto bowl surfaces, scour thoroughly, let stand 10 minutes, and flush. Comet wipes out most household germs including Staph, Salmonella and Pseudomonas.
Chlorine (which I think is the disinfectant in comet) kills within a few minutes. HOWEVER chlorine is inactivated by organic material. So, remove all the visible food gunk from the fridge surfce with a non-amonia surface cleaner, then scrub scrub scrub with comet, then rinse.