Why are there eight wieners in a pack of hot dogs,but six buns in most bun packs?!
Answers: This would be called excess wienerage and excess bunnerage.
They make you buy more buns than what you really need. (More profit)
Its a scam to make us buy 2 packs of buns i guess.
pig meat is cheaper
buns' companies want to make a profit
its all about the money
you'll buy two packs of buns to get the 8 to match the hot dogs
it is a way ppl screw u over
to make you buy more buns or more packs of hotdogs
I don't know where you buy your buns but in the US we have 8 buns in of packs.
Because they want you to buy more hot dog buns than you need, so they can make more money.
Batteries are packed this way too. Ever noticed how it's hard to find batteries in a 2-pack, normally you can only find 4-packs or 6-packs or more, when all you need is two.
Well, there's an extra one in case you drop one on the ground and another extra one to give to your dog as a treat.
It's a conspiracy between the makers of the hot dogs & the buns - go to the deli & bread shop & buy the exact number you need
That is an age old conspiracy by hot dog makers and hot dog bun makers to force you to buy two packages of hot dog buns.
They have the annual meetings where the hot dog makers of the world meet and divvy up the bounty taken annually from consumers on just this small aspect of every day life.
Cheap hot dogs also come packed 10, but they're smaller, and my hot dog rolls come 10 in a pack!
Well just one of life's many mysteries I suppose, Could be the butchers don't talk to the bakers, but do try not to worry about it...
marketing scheme to get us to purchase more buns.
I may be off the mark, but I thought the count ran 8 buns and 10 dogs. Except for Hebrew nationals which put in 7 dogs. The number of perfection?
Then Again maybe your not from around here.
The extra two are for the dog.