Who loves vitamin water?!
Answers: and tell me why por favor!
With all the excessively sugared drinks available on the market today, it is refreshing that manufacturers are choosing to provide a product for the health conscious as well!! An average soft drink has about 46carbs per serving. Vitamin water has about 17carbs, and come in a variety of system-suppporting vitamin combinations for energy, detoxification, immunity, ect. A great product you cannot help but like.
i do...
because it tastes good
It's so good!! and is very good for you too!
Not me. If I was to fill a bottle with tap water and put in liquid vitamins and some flavor.....you'd pay 1.98 for it swearing since the lable says it spring water its worth it. Maybe thats a business I can get into and get rich.
Vitamin water is ok, but only in moderation.
Most people in developed countries get enough vitamins from the food they eat, and yet it is mostly only people in developed countries that would be walking around drinking vitamin water. I wish we could ship the stuff free to people that are actually vitamin deficient in their diet.
You can do your body more harm than good by consuming too many vitamins, particularly fat soluble vitamins which are not flushed from your body easily. With fat soluble vitamins there can actually be a toxic dose.
Excess vitamins may even interact with prescribed medicines, making the medicine ineffective.
A bottle of vitamin water is typically considered two servings, per the label on the bottle. You're not really supposed to drink 5-6 of these every day as some people do. Just because you need vitamins and people view vitamins as being healthy, they figure that more is better. This is not always the case.
In a healthy adult or child that is getting most of their vitamin needs through food, and/or supplement with a daily multivitamin to make sure, I think they would be better served by drinking some of those other specialty drinks out there. They have flavor packets you can mix with bottled water now that contain fiber, which is something many Americans actually need and don't get enough of.