Cheese or Chocolate?which one could you live WITHOUT?!
Answers: Oh man! Thats such a hard one!! I can't pick...ok, say chocolate..wait no, cheese! NO! CHOCOLATE!
Sorry, but I couldn't choose!
Cheese, definitely. Only for the reason that I am younger and once you get older, then you start to like cheese. Cheese is healthier of course.
I could live with out cheese.
hard to choose, either one can be healthy and either one can be unhealthy. There are so many types of cheese! i luv brie though, but there are even more types of chocolate, and i luv the dark dark chocolates with 80% coco those are freaking gud. Ill say chocolate its too irrisisable
cheese cause i'm allergic to it
cheese I do live without. chocolate I eat daily
I couldn't live without any of them. I mean we use cheese to make lots of things and I like cheese. Swiss cheese. I can not live without chocolate! I love chocolate. chocolate chip cookies, brownies, chocolate ice cream, chocolate milkshakes.
Oh God--it has to be chocolate! If I ever had to go without cheese, I'd kill myself!