When you eat mixed nuts out of a can, do you sift through looking for a ceartin nut?!
Answers: If so which kind do like to pick out.
Yes! First I pick out the cashews. Those are the best. Walnuts come next. Then it's pretty much whatever I grab although I will say the filberts usually are the nuts left in the bottom of the can.
Yup - we loves them filberts. My precioussss! It's mine, I tell you! MI*II*INE!!!! You nasssty little hobbit!
Of course - the Almonds are my fave.
cashews and then the almonds. After that I stick the lid back on and take it to my mother in laws and let them eat the left overs! LOL
yep, i'm sifting for cashews
Yes sometimes I do that. It annoys me when other people do it though. It depends on what kind of mixed nuts. Almonds or macadamias if they have them
I usually eat the Brazil nuts first to get them out of the way.