What time do you normally eat Thanksgiving dinner?!
My family normally eats between 4 - 5 p.m. How about you?
Answers: My husband's family always eats between 1 - 2 p.m. I find this too early, because then I walk around the rest of the day sleepy and feeling like a blob. :)
My family normally eats between 4 - 5 p.m. How about you?
my family usually eats around 2pm. i agree though about it being too early. then you do walk around in a food coma cuz you feel like you're gonna blow up. then all you think about after eating pie is taking a nap!!
We eat around 4pm...
I agree 1-2 is way to early to have thanksgiving.
about 5:00
12:00 noon and again at 6:00 pm
We usually eat around 3 or 4.
Maybe even 5 or 6.
It just depends on when everyone gets there pretty much.
we always have dinner around 4 or so... that way there is plenty of time during the day to get everything prepared and plenty of time after dinner where you can hang out with family, watch a game, and be LAZY!!!!
We usually shoot for 1-2 pm. But I'll wait as long as there plenty if appetizers.
My mother's family always had theirs around 6 p.m. Same with dad's family. My extended family starts theirs around 3 p.m. but we don't eat until 5 or 6. My hubby's and my T-day dinner was around 3 p.m. so our kids could get back to their hotel and relax. I guess it's all up to family tradition.
Well.............. usually we have it around 4:30 every year.
Unfortuneatly my dad had LAST week off & not thid week so we arn't having it until 6;30 or maybe even 7
We usually eat around 12:00 and then play games.
2:00 - 3:00 PM
Usually around 2 we eat. Then we have turkey sandwiches before bed :)