What is the difference between a fruit and a berry?!
Answers: Size for one thing. Plus berries usually grow on "bushes" as opposed to fruits which are normally associated with growing on "trees" or vines.
Ummm, a berry is a type of fruit so there really isn't a difference
I believe its the same thing or category.
i think they are all fruits
its the same thing...no big diff.
A berry is a fruit.
one is gay and the other one don't have to many.
A fruit is a fruit, and a berry is normally a type of fruit with alot of seeds internaly inside it, so technically, a strawberry, isnt aberry, because it has alot of seeds on the outside.
Hope this helps!=D
A berry is a type of fruit. Many nutritionists agree that berries are the healthiest fruit to eat. They are high in anti-oxidants and have less concentrated sugar than other fruits.
I believe a berry is classified as fruit, but it is a berry because it grows on a vine and contains seeds.
Most fruits grow on trees, but berries grow on either vines or on bushes.
Well.........berrys are smaller so...........
Berry means a specific type of fruit..........There are many types of fruit. They differ in size, texture, seeds, pits etc.
they are all the same ..fruit