I just got a drinking coconut!How do you open a coconut!?!
Answers: hey I just bought a drinking coconut and I have never had one before....soooo how do you open one?
Do not use a hammer!!
Did you get the green one?
If yeh, then you have to carefully chip the top of it with a sharp knife.
Keep doing this until you see a hole.
Then you can put a straw through it.
If you have a hard brown coconut, then this should be cracked open in a large bowl to ensure the water doesn;t spill everywhere.
Get a sharp knife, place the blade onto the coconut and hammer onto the knife with a large block of wood or hammer.
Hope this helps.
you'll need to crack it with a hammer
try cracking it =D
like hit it on a metal table
use a hammer crack it open and then drink the milk.
If it's a brown coconut, you can open it with a hammer and a large screwdriver. Make sure the coconut is stable so it does not slip and hammer two holes into it . Drink the milk out and then you can use the hammer to crack it open afterwards
Hack it with a kitchen axe in the backyard and prepare a big bowl for the milk!
you crack it with a butchering knife....that's what mi mom always does and the coconut tastes so so so good fresh straight out the coconut! Yum im going to get one right now so delicious! ^_^