My turkeys frozen?!
Answers: my turkey is still frozen its been in the fridge since monday morning and frozen solid, how can i thaw it fast? oh and safely.
I've had this happen before, 3 days in the fridge and still frozen. Now is the time to invest your time. Put the turkey, in your kitchen sink and fill to cover the turkey with cold water. Make sure and change the water every 30 minutes. You need to keep the bird cold so there is minimal chance of bacteria formation. It will take awhile but this process should insure that you have a safe bird tomorrow.
Put it in cold water
microwave it
i usually wouldent recomend this but put it in cool water for a few hours. Keep a eye on it and don't let it soak more than it has to
put it in some water, wow, cant wait to taste your cooking lol
Put it in the sink with some running water.
Did you remove it from the bag? If you did put it in a large pot and cover it then put it in the fridge.
put it in cool water, not to cold.
Quick, get it a sweater!
No, really...............put it in a clean sink with just a small amount of water....overnite it should thaw just fine and you'll be ready to get it ready for the oven in the morning.
No such thing as thawing a turkey fast!
Brine your in a COOLER with enough cool not warm water to cover......add 2 cups salt....1/2 cup sugar....two tablespoons black peppercorns...2 teaspoons dried parsley....2 teaspoons dried sage.....2 teaspoons dried rosemary.....2 teaspoons dried thyme. Leave sitting overnight.....agitate the bird from time to time to defrost.....and by tomorrow afternoon you should have a well brined bird....... Dry the bird completely. And cook as you would.
Too late. Go buy a fresh one.