Have you started eating mince pies yet?!
Answers: You must have read my mind today. In my lunch break I suddenly had an overwhelming urge for a mince pie. I bought 6 and ate one straight away, I really enjoyed it. I've still got 5 left so it must be time for another, after all it is nearly Christmas. Shall I send you a couple?
nope not yet but i cant wait!!!
Definitely, I love mince pies, I could almost kill for one now, LOL
yes! have had some at work and a home made one at a xmas fair last weekend!
No but my mum usually ends up buying way too many so we get sick of them.
I sure have! I had one about 20 mins ago, it was lovely, it had soft icing on the top too! Mmmmm
Ive been eating them from sainsburies for about 3 weeks now,and today I got some mince puffs,theyre even better.
were you aware that because of Oliver Cromwell it is actually illegal to eat mince pies on Xmas day?
Good grief no!! They gie me mega heartburn!! Cannae wait until they start daein yon cream eggs again!!!!
You bet !!
I started as soon as they come into the shops!
I go on holiday over Xmas and took 8 boxes of 6 with me last year.
Love em all.
eww - sorry but i really dont like mince pies, so will be having none at home this year.
I am a former chef from Canada and start making my mincemeat filling in September, to age it a few months, I use the frozen tart shells, so if I want to make a few and let it age more.
I use a bit of alcohol, but use mostly apple juice reduced down 50%, I use alot of fruits, raisins, currants, grated apples, and assorted peels and citron, with the suet I make sure to added it frozen to the mix. I have 2 large sealing jars, and flaour one with a brandy flavouring and the ohter with rum flavour. In the end I use it for tarts, Xmas cakes and in my Xmas/carrot pudding.
mmmmm yes.
mince pies should be eaten all year round.
I Have.
I love them. Why are they not available all year round.
I guess that would take away the excitement of having them