How was your thanksgiving?!
Im suprised nothing wrong happened!
How was yours?
Answers: For me the food was great, i tried a new green bean recipie (butter, steamed green beans and garlic) it tastes outstanding! We has ribs and tons of mash Potatoes + stuffing! We had raspberry choclate cake and apple pie, much yummy!
Im suprised nothing wrong happened!
How was yours?
Hi, I had all my family over my house all 14 people.
we had a turkey and a ham and sweet potatoes green beans carrots with honey and slivered almonds mash potatoes and homemade gravy pineapple case role. then tons of desserts mostly pies from delicious orchards and pumpkin roll home home yum and wine and ice tea and coffee OK that's it.
what no turkey! ribs instead? o well thats ok I had a great day and take care
great, but i gotta poop badly
Still nursing my cold with my asthma inhaler and orange juice!
just like any other day
Tasty and groovy!!!
awesomee =)
Mine was great! It was my baby boy's first Thanksgiving (he's 3 months). He loved being around family, he got soooo much attention! I love the holidays way more now that he's in my life. :-)
It was much better than I expected, considering some ex - inlaws were there totalling 18 people. I took a ride on my Dad's new motorcycle after we ate, and was very pleased to learn I hadn't forgotten how to shift gears after not riding for many years; it was exhillerating in the chilly air !