How do you make coffee smoother?!
Answers: i like my coffee with a lot of creamer so that it is not as bitter. I noticed that freshly ground coffee seems to be smoother and not as bitter. Is there any other way to make coffee smoother?
The key to smooth coffee is in the details:
1. Water should be COLD and as pure as poss., I know it gets heated in the coffee maker but starting with Cold water helps I don't know why.
2. 1 Tablespoon of coffee per cup, if the your filling the water from to the 10 cup line use 10 tablespoons.
3. QUALITY coffee! this is very important!, if you like a smooth blend read the package and go with a breakfast blend.
4. Remove from heat directly after brewing and place in a thermos type carafe, this will keep it hot without burning the coffee.
Good smooth blends of coffee include:
Breakfast blends, Kona Blends, Dunkin' Donuts coffee is very smooth.
Stay away from French roasts, Dark roasts and ANYTHING with the Starbucks logo on it.
I can't vouch for this personally, but I've heard that some people shake a little cinnamon on top of the ground coffee before perking.
use the right amount of coffee, about 2 tablespoons for every 6 oz of water. using less will make the coffee more bitter. also, using filtered water might help. make sure the coffee is fresh, you should use it within a week after opening it. if you can, buy whole beans and grind them right before brewing.
Shake a little salt on the coffee, it will cut the bitter taste !
Try using a medium to course ground coffee and go for a medium roast. Darker roasted is usually more bitter.
Find the FRESHEST beans you can and grind them yourself.
Use very hot water, NOT boiling. This makes a big difference
Folgers makes a a very smooth coffee called "Simply Smooth"
One really good idea is to make certain that you are not using beans that are ground too finely. You might want to try grinding your own beans if you can. Many people over grind their coffee or they get coffee that has been overground. If you grind it into too fine of a powder, it will make it taste bitter.
Also, you might want to try a chicory additive or a coffee that has chicory root already mixed into it. The idea of chicory came about for the South (particularly New Orleans) during the Civil War, when the blockade reduced the amount of available coffee. People made their coffee go farther by mixing it with ground up chicory root. One of the results is coffee that is smoother and less bitter than traditional blends.
If you can find coffee with pre-mixed chicory root, go for it. It's available in some larger grocery stores and specialty shops. Many other stores offer a chicory additive that you can mix into the coffee yourself.
* mocha java blend (sounds like you are using Columbian and do not like it )
* use milk / cream rather than creamer
* use milk with tablespoon of evaporated milk added
* blend it with chicory; it is quite good
* do you ever use sugar - or a touch of honey?
* blend in some spice: cinnamon, aniseseed, cardamom (the latter is especially good; buy the little green pods in an Indian store and use
one green pod - crushed - per cup of coffee)