What is the ph level of V8 splash tropical blend, AZ.greentea, gatorade, and A&W root beer?!
The V8 splash, although the levels were not mentioned, is acidic (http://www.naturalproductsinsider.com/ar...
Gatorade (and other sports drinks) have a pH of less than 5.5 (although they did not say what it was)(http://www.dentistry.com/articles/Are_Sp...
Green Tea evidently depends on the water being used to steep the tea 9http://www.ultimatewatermassage.com/gree...
While green tea
Answers: I only found Root Beer (generic) - ph level was 4.24 (http://www.selah.k12.wa.us/soar/sciproj2...
The V8 splash, although the levels were not mentioned, is acidic (http://www.naturalproductsinsider.com/ar...
Gatorade (and other sports drinks) have a pH of less than 5.5 (although they did not say what it was)(http://www.dentistry.com/articles/Are_Sp...
Green Tea evidently depends on the water being used to steep the tea 9http://www.ultimatewatermassage.com/gree...
While green tea