Why does milk feel clamy in your mouth?!
Answers: I've stopped drinking milk for a while b/c when i was in 3rd grade there was an incident when I drank some milk and ended up throwing up and being sick from it. I'm in 10th now and I've recently started to drink milk again. When i drink it i get this clammy feeling in my throat like mucus (Sp?) Why is that?
like many people have stated, it coats your throat. If you want to fix it, go drink/gargle some water afterwards. BTW, don't go to bed after drinking a lot of milk..the bad breath and stomach ache will make you wish you were dead :P
Milk coats your throat. This is why many singers will not drink milk before they sing. Skim milk is a little less coating.
ull get used to it
try chocolate soy milk its sooooooo good
(the chocolate is good the plain not very)
Milk is a dairy product and contains lots of fat(in some cases) and it coats your throat and mouth when you drink it because of the fat in it.
theres fat in milk n it'll coat your throat
it cums from cows and cows taste phunnie!!lol maybe your allergirc or it's the texture or creamyness of the milk...try soymilk...or other types of milk..