What are the effects of drinking coffee daily for a long time ?!

Question: I always need my cup in the morning, does drinking coffee truly make a differnce on your teeth in the future? I brush 3 times a day.

Answers: I always need my cup in the morning, does drinking coffee truly make a differnce on your teeth in the future? I brush 3 times a day.

My dad has drunk gallons of coffee every day for at least 50 years. Gallons is NOT a hyperbole in his case. And he has suffered NO ill side effects at all. He just turned 70. His teeth aren't nasty, (in fact I think he got a cavity-his first one after he was forty) he can sleep great every night, he doesn't shake, he is not at all hyper, maybe because he has a peaceful disposition. I can't think of one negative health issue he has because he drank coffee. I will say he doesn't smoke and he doesn't drink alcohol. In fact, I think he rarely drinks anything, but coffee. So in my mind, if you like coffee drink it.

anxiety, teeth grinding

teeth is not the major concern here
if you drink little of plain water
your kidney won't stand it
plus you smoke, your breath is enough to kill all mosquitoes

In moderation there shouldn't be any ill effects, One cup every morning is nothing to be concerned about. I'd consider drinking a decaf version if you drink coffee exessively and it may cause a slight browning of the enamal on your teeth, otherwise the only thing that will suffer is probably your wallet.

Coffee contains caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant (drug) and is addictive.

That you need your morning cuppa may well suggest that you are already addicted. It may also suggest that you are dehydrated and need to drink more fluids. The effects are very similar.

Caffeine is a stimulant, it helps to wake you. It gives you a buzz. It can make some people slightly hyperactive or irritable. Caffeine withdrawal often results in lethargy or headache.

Drinking coffee daily once in the morning is good and don't have any side effects and i think is good for health.

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