Is it true that energy drinks aren't good for you? if so why?!

Question: Yes, it's true. Caffeine is a very addictive substance, and has the same withdrawal symptoms as cocaine or heroine. Go to this website and it shows you how much caffeine you need to drink before you die. Trust me, it's less than you expect, for example, It takes only 4! rockstars, before I will probably die.

Answers: Yes, it's true. Caffeine is a very addictive substance, and has the same withdrawal symptoms as cocaine or heroine. Go to this website and it shows you how much caffeine you need to drink before you die. Trust me, it's less than you expect, for example, It takes only 4! rockstars, before I will probably die.

An energy drink is normally a pop that has a bunch of other stuff put into to it. since pop is actually really bad for you, you add the extra stuff (especially the insane amounts of caffeine) and boom it is not good for you. I do love them and drinking them however :)

The energy comes from high amounts of both sugar and caffeine. Neither has any nutritional value, the sugar adds a lot of calories, you tend to "crash" a little while later, digesting sugar tends to make you feel hungry, so you will probably eat more than you otherwise would have (on top of the calories in the drink). Caffeine can increase your heart rate, which isn't the best thing for you on a regular basis. And, it's a REALLY bad idea to mix them with alcohol, which is a depressant, so your body is both revved up and depressed at the same time, creating all kinds of internal havoc and heart problems. Get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet and you don't need energy drinks.

They aren't "bad" for you. They won't kill you, but they certainly have excessive amounts of sugars and caffeine. Most coke products have about 65mg of caffeine in a 12 ounce serving, in energy drinks such as 280mg in 8.4 ounce servings. All in all, it's just an abundance of caffeine and sugar that makes it "bad" for you.

Lets just deal with one ingredient for now Caffine. When you take it the liver dumps its store of glycogen into the blood stream. Instantly available sugar. Sugar alone would take about 20 minutes. Heart speeds up blood pressure rises.

Damage is from long term use. Other indgredients work in various similiar fashions.

They're packed with sugar. If not sugar then fake sugar, which is even worse. They're filled with crap, girl! Don't drink them!


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