
Question: how do i make a good smoothie for my grandchildren?

Answers: how do i make a good smoothie for my grandchildren?

Best one i know of i make for my kids and it is delicious... The trick is to put frozen and fresh fruit in it banana's with frozen strawberrys with milk or with orange juice and vanilla ice cream! It does not matter how much of the product you put in you need to play around and make the recipe your own! Make sure you have a blender ready and try allowing the grand babys to have a hand at making there own this is good fun for the whole family! Here is one of my recipes you can of luck Always J.

1 banana, frozen
6 strawberries, frozen
1 1/4 cup water
1 tablespoon skim milk powder
1 tablespoon protein powder (optional)
1 teaspoon flax oil (optional)
blend with a blender until smooth consitancy and enjoy!

Lots of fruit eg, strawberry's , Mix that with banana and add a teaspoon of hunny and a bit of milk. Always use banana cause it thickens the smoothy. Other than that you can experiment with different fruits

Strawberry smoothie!
Ingredients :
Orange juice
2 big tsp of sugar
Ice cubes

Recipe :
1-Cut banana pieces and strawberries and
put them into a blender.

2-Add crushed ice-cubes to the blender.

3-Add orange juice to the blender also put 2 big tsp of sugar.

3-On the blender for a few seconds and your strawberry shake is made !

Advice :
Keep it in the fridge for about five minutes.

The'll love it!!

Good luck! byeee

1 large ripe banana, peeled and sliced
1 cup hulled strawberries
1/2 cup raspberries, or peeled and sliced kiwi (about 2)
1 cup plain yogurt
1/4 cup orange juice
2 tablespoons honey

Place all the ingredients in the blender and process on high speed until smooth, about 30 to 45 seconds.

Pour into glasses and serve.

have equal amount of solid and liquid ingredients so you could have strawberry and bananna as your solid ingredients and then fruit juice and honey

I use lots of different fruits makes the taste better. A Banana adds texture and frozen strawberries eliminates the need for so much ice. Some milk or yourgurt also goes a long way.

find out what their favoret fruit is & freeze it then by canada dry or ginger ale, when read blend!

This recipe has to be made in a food processor..
start with frozen bananas - 1 - 2 bananas/person, add 1/2 cup of yogurt, milk, or coconut milk/person.. blend.

You could also add 1/2 tsp cocoa powder - that way you don't taste banana at all - it tastes just like a chocolate shake..

or you could add small amounts of fruit - peaches, strawberries, blueberries.. I don't use these frozen because they make the smoothie 'icy'..
Hope this helps..

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