Coffee? How much is safe?!

Question: How many cup(s) of coffee is considered 'safe' for a normal healthy person to drink?

I'm asking as to avoid over caffeine intake. i.e. Jitters, anxiety, loss of sleep..etc...

Answers: How many cup(s) of coffee is considered 'safe' for a normal healthy person to drink?

I'm asking as to avoid over caffeine intake. i.e. Jitters, anxiety, loss of sleep..etc...

First of all a cup of coffee is truly a measured out cup of liquid. The average coffee cup is about 2 cups.

The key to coffee intake is that you need to watch what else you drink thru out the day. Caffeine dehyradrates you so you need to watch out for that.

I had to cut back on my soda intake due to headaches and being tired all the time due to too much caffeine! Yep, it can work the other way around. But I will always be safe with my 4 cups a day.

I drink 2 pots a day...
It don't effect me at all.

i dunno but i drink about 2 cups a day

about 1-2 too much caffeine is NOT healthy bc it speeds up your heart. Really, to put it in perspective, if you drink way to much, you could die....

as much as you want until your sick of it

No limit for some people, one cup for others. Figure it out for yourself. How many can you drink before you feel jittery? How many before you cannot sleep. Cut back until you aren't affected.

None for bad time it helps when you are up from bad time in the morning good o,k.

from a medical standpoint? none. you get just a little bit in your system and its like a drug. you get used to it and it does nothing for for you so you take more. then you become addicted. none at all is best, if it can be done. i'd none-caffinated herbal tea in citris flavors. they wake you up!

Don't drink coffee unless it's from Starbucks ;-]

Try eating an apple instead. Gives ya more energy.
But it depends-people have different organs, functions...can't ever know until you try for yourself.


it is diffrent with certain people for me no effect my friend he goes nuts so i cant tell you exactly

Jitters, anxiety, and sleep loss? The only way to tell is to drink enough coffee to make it happen. Then you'll know for sure!

However, you would need to drink about 12 pots of ESPRESSO for it to be unsafe. (NOTE: Depends on drinker)

i hate coffee... i never drink at all.

Even if I do it makes me very hyper cuz it has caffine..

I drink 1-4 cups per day.

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