Is Red Bull actually that bad for you?!

Question: Do people over react about how bad it is?
Is it really as bad as most say it is?
is it worse then like smoking or Cola or coffee?

Answers: Do people over react about how bad it is?
Is it really as bad as most say it is?
is it worse then like smoking or Cola or coffee?

Yes, you are risking organ damage and diabetes.

Please be aware that diabetes isn't just about having to have insulin injections - the excess sugar in the blood can lead to kidney and sight damage - impotence - peripheral vascular disease which can result in loss of lower limbs.........even a well controlled diabetic is at risk of premature death due to illness caused by this disease.

People need to stop drinking these type of drinks - they're liquid trash.

If you want something to help you stay alert try Ginkyo Biloba and Rhodiola Rosea (Siberian Golden Root) - both safe and non-addictive.

it's not bad it taste's good it does give you energy sometimes i cant sleep when i drink it but if you drink it to much your going to become dependant on it for energy.

There was a special for a 4 pac of Redbull and my cousin stoced up. He had 3 a day for about a week and now he's got kidney stones and sugar in the blood from it.

It ca bethat bad for you if you drink it all the time. Aslong as its only 1 a week it cant be too harmful.

It is BAD

it's really concentrated caffeine and full of a load of awful e numbers etc

Yes,my son went to see his doctor with sleep
deprivation,he told the doc he drinks 3 to 4 cans every
day,the doc banned him from drinking another drop.

Yeah its bad for you, it tries to speed up your metabolism and is a diruetic. A friend of a friend, used to live off Red Bull, to get through college, now his liver is totally damaged. Anymore Red Bull or alcohol and he could die.

Like most things it is bad for you in large quantities. Drunk sensibly it is ok but is full of sugar and caffiene so I would steer clear of it.

read this

says enough really
and there are loads of articles like these
thats why they are looking into banning it
a lot of countries already have

It was in the paper the other week that it can actually KILL you. Its only if you drink ALOT though. I wud try to cut down to about 1 a week if you drink more.

it's bad,especially, it's taste,i don't like it!

Red Bull can be bad if you have hypertension.

there is a healthy option to energy drinks. Its called verve its a radically different diatary supplement. and a insanely healthy energy drink.

it can be if you abuse it

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