Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi better?!

Question: What do you prefer? I love my diet coke I think Diet Pepsi goes flat to quick what's your opinion?

Answers: What do you prefer? I love my diet coke I think Diet Pepsi goes flat to quick what's your opinion?

Diet coke.. Happen to have a cold can of it sitting next to me right now..

diet Coke

Iused to like diet pepsi, but then I tried diet coke. Coke is soo much better. It doesn't taste like old floor cleaner. Now wal-marts store brand tastes like floor cleaner, like pinesol. Yuck.

neither....... both contain aspartame , which converts to formaldehye( a major carcinogen ) at a few degrees below body temperature. Some research also connects lupus and MS to aspartame consumption. You should avoid both of these products, they are toxic.

diet coke

it's cool if like both..

diet pepsi jazz

Neither - diet soda is not good for you - Coke Classic is the best.

"Coke" SUKS !!!!!!!! - Always has....Always will..!
(Why do ya think people use it to clean 'rust' off things...??)

Diet Pepsi. But if I'm craving a regular soda, it needs to be Coke Classic, baby.

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