What are the health benifits of pomegranate?!

Question: I know it has a lot of health benifits, but what are they? Why does everyone go on about antioxidants? Why do pomegranates have so much, and what is so important about antioxidants?

Answers: I know it has a lot of health benifits, but what are they? Why does everyone go on about antioxidants? Why do pomegranates have so much, and what is so important about antioxidants?

Pomegranate has quickly become one of the most talked about health foods in the past year. Many readers wrote to a magazine and asked the same as you, about the health benefits of pomegranate juice. Not only is it popular among the health conscious crowd, we are surprised to see that pomegranate fruits are becoming widely used as hot trendy home decor in more and more home decorating television programs!
Preliminary evidence suggests that drinking concentrated pomegranate juice may reduce cholesterol. Israeli researchers, published a small clinical study in June 2004 in Clinical Nutrition, suggested that drinking a glass of pomegranate juice a day for one year reduced blood pressure (particularly systolic pressure) and slowed down LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) oxidation.

Pomegranate fruits contain polyphenols, tannins and anthocyanins - all are beneficial antioxidants. Interestingly, pomegranate juice contains high levels of antioxidants - higher than most other fruit juices, red wine or green tea.

Bottom Line: Many studies so far were small, thus more research is needed to fully evaluate the possible health benefits of pomegranate. Pomegranate juice is generally safe to drink. Most studies have administered a daily helping of 1.5 oz of pomegranate juice with no significant side effects.

For a sensible heart smart diet, emphasize fruits & vegetables, whole grains, fatty fish and choose skinless lean meats. Antioxidants are generally found in bright colored fruits and dark green vegetables as well as whole grains. In addition, the best dietary approach so far to reducing blood pressure is to follow the DASH diet developed by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.

Hope it helped! byeee...


check this out

It removes all the disgusting sodium from our bodies that we eat from chinese food

pomegranate juice is also a good source of the B vitamin.

The simple answer: The anti-oxidants in Pomegranates (and in garlic, onions, fresh fruits and veggies) remove "oxidants" (polluting matter that ages your cells) from your cells (Think of your cells like silver...if you want to remove the oxidation --the black stuff-- off silver, you polish it). Anti-oxidants polish your cells. It's always nice to have them moving around in your body to keep cells vibrant and healthy.

As for why Pome's have more anti-oxidants than others? The unscientific answer is ...they just do. It's the nature of the fruit.

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