Does coffee really stunt your growth? or is it untrue?!

Question: This is simply something I'd like to find out by asking others.
I don't think it affects me, minding I'm 6'2, 16 and only have maybe 1 cup every or every other day.
Just like to know.

Thank you in advance for any helpful responses.

Answers: This is simply something I'd like to find out by asking others.
I don't think it affects me, minding I'm 6'2, 16 and only have maybe 1 cup every or every other day.
Just like to know.

Thank you in advance for any helpful responses.

There is no evidence that proves this theory. However, coffee does interfere with your sleep habits and can contribute to dehydration. Coffee is a diuretic, which means it causes the body to eliminate water.

It does NOT stunt growth. I've had it everyday for years.

Shorty Small

lol, it doesn't. I'm a coffee lover and i don't think it has anything to do with growth at all. It hasn't been proven at least.

no, it certainly wont but it does screw up your teeth and also it makes you age faster. by about 10% actually. if you've never seen a pic/vid of caffeine being made you should look into it. hope this helps!

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