Thick Shakes?!

Question: how do I get my thick shakes thick? I put vanilla icecream in the blender with milk but it doesn't seem to be thick?

Answers: how do I get my thick shakes thick? I put vanilla icecream in the blender with milk but it doesn't seem to be thick?

Believe it or not, I dont add any milk to my milk shakes. Just ice cream and flavorings. If it wont blend I add a tablespoon of milk at a time.

Add more ice cream. You can also add ripe bananas which not only will make it thick but taste good too.

staple the bottom of the straw

I think a bit more ice cream would make it a little thicker.
Also, consider adding half and half to make it thicker or perhaps even heavy whipping cream.
It's gonna have some serious calories, but will taste GREAT.
Throw in a few strawberries too!

Ice Cubes. I went to buy one from a proffesional milkshake bar with an open kitchen bit and there was loads of ice cubes and she put in like 10 or more and it turned out really thick.

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