Care to comment on Mexican soda pop?!

Question: I really like non-U.S. soda ... Sidral from Mexico is yummy! Can anyone recommend other odd sodas from Mexico that are really good?

Answers: I really like non-U.S. soda ... Sidral from Mexico is yummy! Can anyone recommend other odd sodas from Mexico that are really good?

Local sodas are great. "Yoli" is very popular in Acapulco and the southern pacific coast. And the grape "Squeeze" in Tampico is good too.
I love the red "Jarrito de grosella"! (Grosella is a kind of berry). Great with tacos.
And the very, very hard to find "Pe?afiel de prisco" (Prisco is a fruit).

Coca Cola in Mexico is soooo much better than American Coke. I heard it is because they use pure cane sugar.

I really enjoy "Sangria" soda from Mexico. It has a really great taste. Carbonated just enough with a great grape taste.

Jarritos I like the whole line but mandarin is my favorite.

Also Coke and Pepsi from mexico are so good they come in glass bottles and taste so much better.

There are several brands of carbonated apple juice drink that is yummy.

i LOVE jarritos! those are my favorite!!! i also like pineapple fresca but thats not a soda, its just good.

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