Whats the difference between energy drinks and coffee??!

Question: ok my mom lets me drink coffee whenever i want but when it comes to energy drinks she wont let me. she says they r bad for me and i am in shape i work out i play sports. so i really dont c whats wrong with them. do u agree with her or disagree??

Answers: ok my mom lets me drink coffee whenever i want but when it comes to energy drinks she wont let me. she says they r bad for me and i am in shape i work out i play sports. so i really dont c whats wrong with them. do u agree with her or disagree??

Has anyone ever tried the Low Carb Monster? By all these answers I am guessing no. All I see is sugar sugar sugar. Wow. Yeah some have as much sugar as a normal Coke or Pepsi but the Low Carb Monster is a lot lower in sugar and doesn't have artificial sweetener or other crap. It just lowered the sugar amounts...6 grams to a can to be exact. If you love Apple Jolly Ranchers...you will love Low Carb Monster. Its the one with the blue M on the can. Tell your mom to try one with you and maybe people ought to read the ingredients more instead of just assuming whats in the can. Red Bull sugar free, Rock Star sugar free and the others all have that nasty bitter diet taste and artificial sweetener which is worse than sugar. I promise you or your mom wont be disappointed in the Low Carb Monster. You can buy it by the case at Sam's Club for about 28 bucks. A lot cheaper than by the can in a gas station.

She is right. They contain 10 times the sugar and artificial flavors ( chemicals)

i agree with your mom.. energy drinks is made mostly out of sugar thats why they give you enery..but coffee you add the amount of sugar you want...

Energy drinks have loads of sugar to give an energy boost. Unfortunately, the boost is temporary, as sugar is rapidly absorbed, making your body "crash". Coffee is more natural and has only caffeine, plus whatever you add to your individual cup.

Energy drinks have sugar. coffee has caffeine

Coffee is a natural whole food whereas energy drinks are designed in a lab.

Whenever i hang out w/ friends i always get a Monster or Rockstar! plus my friends like energy drinks too!
When you do drink energy drinks hide it! from your mom so she doesn't worry!
what she doesn't know won't hurt her!

as far as coffeee? i'de rather drink hot cocoa.

both are bad 4 u

Caffeine is a natural substance. Which is why coffee is okay.

The weird ingredients that I won't even attempt to pronounce that are in energy drinks are not natural.

I'm not talking about Gatorade, but Red-bull and things like that can mess someone up with the stuff they put in it.

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