Coke or Pepsi???!

Question: Pepsi!!

Answers: Pepsi!!

pepsi but i like cherry coke

I'll drink both

im addicted to coke,

the soda by the way, not the other stuff

Without a question - COKE!!!! Actually, I prefer Diet Coke to Classic.

Exact Same Question & correct answer see here.;...

Coke because pepsi has a very strange taste...

PEPSI........and more PEPSI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Regular coke and diet pepsi.

between those two, i'd say pepsi. but i'd rather drink water.

The main differenct is that Pepsi has more sugar than Coke so it is sweeter. It really is the person's taste so i like my soda a bit sweet so Pepsi.


coke all the way baby!!

Coke (diet of course).

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