Do you think the reputation of gatorade is going to be damaged?!

Question: Saddly today Dr. Robert Cade the inventor of Gatorade died of kidney cancer. Since he was know for gatorade it is really unfortunate that he happened to die from kidney cancer because I have already heard some idiots saying that gatorade causes kidney cancer which is not true. Will their reputation be hurt at all from these fools out their? Somewhat like the same situation with Atkins dying from heart failure and the end of the Atkins diet fad.

Answers: Saddly today Dr. Robert Cade the inventor of Gatorade died of kidney cancer. Since he was know for gatorade it is really unfortunate that he happened to die from kidney cancer because I have already heard some idiots saying that gatorade causes kidney cancer which is not true. Will their reputation be hurt at all from these fools out their? Somewhat like the same situation with Atkins dying from heart failure and the end of the Atkins diet fad.

No i don't think so. There are many causes for kidney cancer. truly i don't think Gatorade has anything to do with it. Lets put it this way. The guy was a scientist. not athlete. Think of all the gallons of Gatorade athletes consume and they are not all dropping dead of kidney cancer.

The Romans nailed a guy to a cross about 2000 years ago and people to this day still believe what he said and stood for..(I'm not a believer but, it still happened)

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