What is the best tasting coffee roast?!

Question: i don't care about brands, just the roast types and opinions. I'm starting to get into coffee and want a smooth great tasting roast. Thanks.

Answers: i don't care about brands, just the roast types and opinions. I'm starting to get into coffee and want a smooth great tasting roast. Thanks.

Well out of the nine answers I read so far, 2 spoke of roast and the others identified types of coffee. Such is the world of the coffee drinker, no idea what they are talking about.
Basically you have the following roasts degrees: City...City +...Full City...Full City +...French....Vienna...and finally Spanish. As to which roast is best it would depend upon the bean being roasted. Typically Sumatra beans are roasted to a Full city to Vienna. Costa Rica Tarrazu is traditionally roasted to City or City +. Espresso BLENDS (no such animal as an espresso coffee bean) can be an assortment of roasts blended in differing percentages, or made from a single origin. One clue to help you is that most big company coffee's are the cheapest coffee beans produced throughout the world, then roasted to a degree to hide the flaws.
There really is no BEST roast. The best will be what you enjoy and what fits the bean that is being roasted. That also can change from crop to crop since coffee beans are a grown crop not a manufactured item.
I suggest you try all sorts of coffees and all sorts of roasts. Or better yet, get you some different GREEN coffee beans and roast them yourself and find out what really good coffee can taste like.

Kona all the way!!!

arabica has much more flavor than robusto

I'm partial to Sumatra. It's bold but very smooth, not bitter at all. Most coffee producers sell that variety.

I prefer a French roast, which is quite dark and richly flavored.

Columbian Roast All The Way

I like a coffee that has been roasted for a long time. I feel that the flavor has a stronger and robust taste. It is best for brewing but not for espresso.

I use to buy Columbian all the time and lately, I've been buying anything that says 'dark roast'. I have gotten Kona before and really liked it too.

I know you don't care about brands but for 68 years I have drank my coffee black.

I buy Maxwell House coffee.

I really don't understand the espresso thing or flavored coffee.

When I go to a restaurant and order coffee it tastes just like what I have drank for all these years.

It's a fad thing.

I could spice up my kind of coffee with Irish Cream, whipped cream etc. and do it much cheaper.

Espresso is just a way to charge way, way too much for coffee.

All the younger people are buying into it.

It amazes me. Maybe I just too frugal and from the old school.

French Roast is the best I have ever had smooth and rich

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