Hot Chocolate or Hot Cocoa?!

Question: Which is the correct terminology?
Is there a difference?
Why are there two words meaning the same thing?
Please help.

Answers: Which is the correct terminology?
Is there a difference?
Why are there two words meaning the same thing?
Please help.

Different. Hot cocoa is made with cocoa powder, while hot chocolate is made with actual chocolate, which contains cocoa butter. For this reason, hot chocolate has higher fat content. Hot chocolate is almost like a melted bar of chocolate mixed with milk or water (European hot chocolate is generally very thick, made with water).

Same thing!!

I think most people use them both interchangeably, but technically drinks hot cocoa generally do not contain cocoa butter, while hot chocolate may contain cocoa butter.

same thing.. maybe people to lazy to write chocolate so they just spell cocoa.. this just my opinion..

Hot chocolate is made with Chocolate and Cocoa is made with the powder only with not extras.

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