It feels like I'm being lured by the Darth Vader of drinks: Coffee.....Please help!!!!?!

Question: I love tea. I love learning about it, I love tasting it, I love enjoying it, I love everything about.

Recently though, I've been drinking some coffee that my dad gave me. And I'm starting to get crave it more and more.

Will I be lured by this new non alcoholic beverage called Joe, or will I resist its temptations and go to where my heart truly lies?

Answers: I love tea. I love learning about it, I love tasting it, I love enjoying it, I love everything about.

Recently though, I've been drinking some coffee that my dad gave me. And I'm starting to get crave it more and more.

Will I be lured by this new non alcoholic beverage called Joe, or will I resist its temptations and go to where my heart truly lies?

sadly yet delicouslly addicting im drinking its cousin cappachino

Afraid you will be drawn to the Dark Side young Jedi!!

yep, you're in the first stage. :)

have fun trying all the coffee flavors now. just remember to brush your teeth a lot, it's a killer on color and gives you awful breath!

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